Monday, August 25, 2008

Weekend Update

Stupid Rhetorical Question. Will the Olympics’ success lead China to domestic reforms or convince leaders that their current model is working? This is like asking "Will the subservient kowtowing of the mainstream media lead the White House to tell the truth or continue lying?"

All the movies I didn't see in a theatre this weekend. Tropic Thunder, Pierrot Le Fou & Mississippi Mermaid, Le Doulos & Classe Tous Risques, Man On A Wire, Girl Cut in Two.

All the movies I watched on DVD this weekend. Three Musketeers, Four Musketeers, The Searchers, Stage Door, Howl's Moving Castle, Treasure of the Sierra Madre, Joy House, 1/3 of Forbidden Planet.

Number of letters I started writing. 3

Number of letters I finished writing. 0

Number of hours spent puttering around doing nothing. 48

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